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NOTE: This message was sent to Wake Forest faculty and staff.

Dear Wake Forest faculty and staff,

A short time ago, we shared an update with students on our first campus climate survey designed to help us understand the prevalence of sexual misconduct on campus, as well as the effectiveness of the university’s training, outreach, policies, procedures and support services that touch upon this area. We share a copy of that message with you below. 

Sexual misconduct is a serious matter that deeply impacts the health and wellbeing of students and our community as a whole. Wake Forest offers a range of prevention education and training for incoming and continuing students and our community is actively involved in efforts to address sexual misconduct on campus. 

In addition to planning a series of discussions with students about the survey findings, we invite you to participate in a facilitated forum specifically for faculty and staff where we will share the results, review current prevention initiatives, and determine future strategies to implement.

You are invited to attend one of the following:

Nov. 15, 2022
12-1:30 p.m. 
Location: Benson 401C/D
Note: Lunch included 

Nov. 18, 2022
1-2:30 p.m.
Location: Benson 401A/D
Note: Light refreshments included 

We are committed to doing everything possible to foster a campus environment where all students, staff, and faculty can thrive. All of us can play a role in improving our campus climate. Our message to students is included below. Thank you for your support in these efforts.


Susan R. Wente

Shea Kidd Brown 
Vice President for Campus Life

Read the message to students here.
